Monthly Archives: October 2014

Where Have You Been Kelz?

Blog Pic Kelz

Hey guys! I know I have been MIA for the past couple of months, but you know how life is…The purpose of this post is for me to share a few things with you all and hopefully gain some insight from you as well…

First, I am in the process of looking for a new job, which is a job in and of itself. I have been at my job for 9 years, which is a long time to just pick up and leave. But at the same time, I am all about progression and growth so I can’t just keep sitting here waiting for things to change. I have to move it along. As a side hustle, I have been considering going to school so that I can get my nail technician license. You all know how much I love nails! So I am looking into that at the moment as well.

Second, I have been thinking a lot about doing a lifestyle blog similar to this one, but I would discuss books, fashion, relationships, fitness, home décor, etc. Basically, things that I am interested in. Each subject having its own section. Sometimes I just feel like I am so restricted as to what I can talk about here. If I can figure out how to leave this blog in tact and add various categories then I may do that as opposed to completely changing my domain. My problem is that I have so many ideas, they sometimes get jumbled together and I have a hard time just making a decision.

Third, I have been reading like nobody’s business. Lol…Young Adult, New Adult, Adult Contemporary, etc. And I am officially addicted to Booktube (Youtube videos that are all about books!).  I have come across a lot of literature I wouldn’t have known about otherwise. It’s crazy! You guys can follow me on Goodreads if you’re interested in what I am reading.

Lastly, I am hoping that you all could tell me what you would like to see here on the blog…My nail posts are usually pretty popular so I will continue to do those. I’d also like to continue to do my Fashionable Reads series. What else do you all want to see? I received a request to discuss my hair routine so I plan to do a post on that as well. But I need some help here…Please give me some feedback on what you all would like to see on the blog so that I can add it to my plans. It’s been almost 5 months and I miss blogging…I miss interacting with you guys!

Anyway, I hope all is well with everyone and I’ll be seeing you in my next post! xx