Monthly Archives: January 2014

Winter Survival Kit

Winter Survival Kit
It has been ridiculously cold in Maryland this winter so I have been taking refuge at home, and everyone knows I enjoy being on my couch. However, the items above are just a few things I need in order to stay busy while on the couch. I swear that I spend way too much time online but I just can’t help it. The internet is the way of the world now, and it connects and exposes you to so many things that you wouldn’t ordinarily have access to. Sometimes I don’t even bother turning my television on…I sit back and listen to music either while I am writing in my journal, painting my nails, or surfing the net.
When the music is off, Netflix is definitely on. I LOVE NETFLIX, like seriously. I’ve watched countless televisions shows, documentaries, and movies on there. The Lord designed it just for me! Lol…If you aren’t in the know, I feel bad for you son.
So on your next snow day (I’ve enjoyed at least 3 snow days this month) snuggle up with your favorite cup of tea (coffee/hot chocolate) in your Minnie Mouse onesie and RELAX. Write, read, lounge…do whatever you like to do but make sure you enjoy your down time.
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Mean Girls…


I have been blogging for almost 3 years now, and one thing that I have noticed about the internet world is that so many women get off on tearing other women down online. Why? Nothing exhibits this more than Youtube and fashion blog commentary. Women are constantly berating other women. For instance, I sometimes look at the Fashion Bombshell of the Day posts on Fashion Bomb Daily, and the comments are always dripping with mean-spirited criticisms instead of constructive ones. A difference of opinion is perfectly normal and constructive criticism is often needed, but if your intentions are to get a laugh or to hurt someone’s feelings, I’m not down for that. And it happens all the time…

The internet seems to give people super powers. The things they wouldn’t dare say to someone’s face are so freely expressed online. It must be nice to be able to sit back and criticize the people who have the confidence to put it all out there for everyone to see. Many of these comments, of course, are submitted anonymously and are most likely from broads who are unhappy with themselves. Stop pointing out someone else’s insecurities in order to mask your own. Quite frankly, it’s desperate, unladylike and tacky.

But you’d rather be an internet gangsta, right? You are running around telling all the ‘fashionistas’ online exactly what is wrong with their looks, style, teeth, hair and priorities. You are “keeping it real.” But guess what ladies, if you do not like what you see you can easily close the window…Click the red X on your internet browser and rid yourself of all the unfashionable nonsense you despise. If someone’s style or content isn’t your cup of tea then unsubscribe. The great thing about the internet is that you do not have to engage in things that do not interest you.

Another assumption that is often made is that people do not have lives outside of their presence on the internet. I love to look good, but trust that my life isn’t all leopard and sequins. My blog, and any other social media I am on, is a very small part of my life and I think other bloggers would agree with that sentiment. While I love fashion, I am also a lover of art, education, books, family, friends and a host of other things.

Furthermore, while you are passing judgment on the things I (or others) are wearing or discussing online, where is your outfit? Where is your content? Where is your blog, novel, or any other contribution to this culture? Unfortunately, you have none…And you don’t have any because you are too preoccupied with worrying about what someone else is doing.  Please realize that this is preventing you from contributing something meaningful. But I am not here to judge you either. If you choose not to do anything culturally or intellectually stimulating for the rest of your life, that is perfectly fine with me. However, learn to stay in your lane…Do not harass women who are comfortable in their skin and seek to share their style with the world. That does not make them superficial and it does not give you the right to brow beat them for every single thing that you do not like about their style.

So next time you decide to post a comment stating that someone’s shoes look cheap in their outfit of the day (OOTD) post or that they need to spend their money on their child instead of clothing and accessories, think of the saying that your mother should have taught you:

If you do not have anything nice to say then do not say anything at all.  xx

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Kel’s Current Crush List

Kel's Current Crush List
I have been obsessing over this Kate Spade Beau satchel since the very beginning of fall. Now that I have returned my Wang (which was the worse bag EVER), I think I am going to replace it with this baby…I tried it on in Nordstrom yesterday and decided that it is def the right fit for me. Gawgeous!!
But, I am supposed to be focusing my attention on shoes…Shoes are the only thing that I really don’t have, so these two babies above are on my wish list. Nine times out of ten, I will go for the pumps even though pumps never fit me properly. I have the hardest time finding a pair of pumps that don’t look like I have a huge gap in between the back of my shoe and the back of my foot. The struggle is so real yall…So I’ll probably end up with the boots for rainy and snowy days.
The rest of my wish list is minor…I’ve been eyeing Tory Burch earrings (several pairs) for well over a year now. There are certain things that I have a hard time spending money on and costume jewelry is one of them. Lol…Regardless, not wanting to spend $58 on these has not stopped me from wanting them.
You guys know I love my sunnies as well. These futuristic babies are calling my name. I really don’t need them, but their future in my accessory closet is looking bright.
And everyone knows Mac’s Heroine lipstick is a must have. No need to elaborate on that one…
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Revlon Parfumerie: African Tea Rose

Revlon’s new Parfumerie nail polishes are adorable!! While I am not wild about this particular color (looks better here than it does in natural lighting), I have to say that the formulas and scents of these polishes are on point. Check out the swatches below:



And how cute is this bottle?! Not to mention that my nails literally smelled like roses (not the stinky ones either). for an entire day. This is going to sound weird, but I could not stop smelling my nails when I was wearing this color…I love the scent! The thing is though, it smells like regular nail polish up until your nails dry. So don’t go smelling these in the drugstore…Lol


If you’d like to try these nail polishes out, they are actually on sale at Ulta right now for buy one, get one 50% off. They have a wide range of colors that I’m sure will fit your taste, and they retail for $5.99 each. Have any of you gals tried this nail polish yet? If so, what did you think? Lately, I’ve been trying to get more into drugstore nail polishes since they are a lot more affordable.

Side Note: Is your week dragging as slowly as mine!? I am so ready for this holiday weekend! Talk to you all soon! xx

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What To Wear: Black on Black

I don’t know about you guys but I am so guilty of obsessing over what to wear. Honestly, it can get kind of ridiculous sometimes. On New Year’s Eve though, I thought I would keep it simple…Nothing special, no sequins, no tiny little dress, none of that. But a bit of leather never hurt anyone so I wore this:


{Top and Jeans: Express. Boots: Jessica Simpson. Clutch: Rebecca Minkoff. Watch: Michael Kors. Nails: Formula X (Sephora): High Frequency.}

I absolutely adore this leather top from Express, which has become one of my favorite stores. They always have some sort of promotion going on and I never pay full price for anything.

I received this top as a gift for my birthday a few months ago and finally had the opportunity to wear it. I would have loved to wear a gold chain with this top, but I haven’t found the right one just yet. The gold chain I do have is a bit too chunky for this look. So if you guys have any gold necklaces that you’d like to recommend, let me know…


What did you guys do to celebrate the New Year? And who else just throws black on when they don’t know what to wear? I know I’m not the only one…

I hope everyone’s New Year is off to a great start!! xx

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Oh.Em.Gee! – Julie G Nail Polishes


I have heard so much about Julie G’s nail polish on Youtube. When a few of them caught my eye in Rite Aid the other day I thought I would give them a go. I tried to pick out colors that were practically sold out (that’s usually a good indication that the polish is the goods). As you all know blues and pinks are my go-to colors so I chose one blue (Cabana Boy), one pink (Oh Em Gee!), and a wild card (Kickin’ It):


Kickin’ It (Flash)


Kickin’ It (No Flash)


Oh Em Gee! (Flash)


Oh Em Gee! (No Flash)


Cabana Boy (Flash)


Cabana Boy (No Flash)

I have to say that I am impressed. I honestly wasn’t expecting much, but I have been pleasantly surprised by each of these colors. Kickin’ It is gorge, obvi, but I needed three coats in order to get the color you all see in the photos above. Same thing happened with Oh Em Gee!, two coats just wasn’t enough. Outside of that though I have no complaints. Oh Em Gee! looks far better and brighter in person. Cabana Boy was absolute perfection. I could have gotten away with one coat, but I applied two. Also, it could definitely pass as a duplicate of Sally Hansen’s Pacific Blue, which is sometimes hard to find.

These polishes retail for $3.99 each with the exception of Oh Em Gee! which I bought on sale for $1.99. Have you guys tried Julie G polishes before? I am definitely looking forward to trying out more colors.

I hope you all have an amazing week. Smooches! xx

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Favorite Nail Colors of 2013

Here’s just a quick recap of my favorite nail polishes/nail posts of 2013:

Nails of 2013